The Bold Blue Set of 3 Wood Canvas Book Box

The Bold Blue Set of 3 Wood Canvas Book Box

  • $23.72

  • Wood canvas book box dimensions: 10 inches (W) x 4 inches (D) x 13 inches (H); 8 inches (W) x 3 inches (D) x 10 inches (H); 6 inches (W) x 2 inches (D) x 8 inches (H)
  • Book box color: Blue
  • Made from: Wood, canvas

Do you love collecting books? Do you have some very old books which went out of publications decades ago? Well, for them you need solid protection so that the elements won’t wear them down further. Here, these wood canvas book boxes will come to your aid. In a blue that is bold and with antique themed designs and words on their body, these boxes come in three sizes.

When to all the great design you add on quality, which these boxes have, you get a perfect product. Though these boxes may look old they indeed are brand new. Perfect for homes with both modern and traditional themes: these indeed are gems from a genius designer. So delay no longer: protect your books by using these simple but sturdy creations.