Canvas Art with Metallic Frontal in Brown Finish - Set of 2

Canvas Art with Metallic Frontal in Brown Finish - Set of 2

  • $165.46

Give interiors a classy aesthetic appeal with this Canvas Art - Set of 2 which is a perfect fusion of art and culture. Hand made with fine detailing, this canvas set is a great accessory to plain walls and can add a subtle feeling of intense tribal culture to settings. It features hues of brown that blend perfectly well, enhancing the overall ambience of different types of decor. This canvas set is accented with a metallic frontal that complements the rugged brown wooden texture exceptionally well. With its pure association with ethnic art, the canvas redefines the conventional form of art and adds an antique touch to room settings. Crafted in China, this beautiful canvas set has a distinct appearance that makes it attractive in appearance. It is available in 2 size variants - 59" H x 20" W x 2" D, 59" H x 20" W x 2" D.